Written by: Luke Hawkins and Monica Castillo
Edited by: Lauralyn Vasquez and Monica Castillo
This curriculum contains information proprietary to Beyond Technology Education, Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure of any information contained in this curriculum without the prior written consent of BEYOND Technology Education, Inc. is prohibited.
Overview: Creating Change, Developing Solutions
Creating Change, Developing Solutions will challenge students to identify and research a pressing social issue and create a technology-infused campaign seeking to raise awareness and pose solutions. Students will develop online research skills, learn basic programming skills, practice video production and editing and learn to present their original content in a dynamic, digitally focused context.
This curriculum facilitates competence in Word Processing, Databases, and Multimedia Presentation as well as teaching students to use the following advanced technology tools: Canva.com, and Scratch.com. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. See http://scratch.mit.edu.
Over the course of the year, students will campaign for a particular cause, blog about it, create animations and videos to raise awareness, and present their own solutions to create change in the world.
Students will be using ten major technology areas to create their projects. These technology areas are:
Word Processing | Internet |
Databases | Programming |
Multimedia | Video Production |
Desktop Publishing | Blogging |
Graphics | Operating System |
This is a 36-hour course divided into 4 units.
Unit 1: Researching and Launching the Campaign
Unit 2: Raising Awareness
Unit 3: Interacting with the Cause
Unit 4: Presenting the Cause